The Castle of Sordrin

Castle of Sordrin

The Castle of Sordrin towers above every other structure in the labyrinth. Adorned in flowing banners, the massive towers and ominous walls are a sight to behold. Although surrounded by lush and beautiful gardens, the malevolent structure dominates the landscape and casts dark and foreboding shadows on the walls that surround it. Who knows what secrets lie within, but one thing is for certain. If you have any hope of escaping this insidious labyrinth, you must find this castle and destroy what’s inside.

The castle is the final and most difficult challenge in the labyrinth. It will require multiple adventurers to complete. Once you have completed this challenge, you will earn the Completionist rank, and will be granted every benefit that comes with it.

The castle is comprised of several challenges and puzzles that must be completed in order to defeat this challenge. What challenges lie within are for you to discover.

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