Server Rules

Rule #1: No Scamming, Stealing or Griefing

Do not try to trick or scam other players into granting you access to their plot just so you can destroy their builds and steal their items. Do not modify any structure that is not yours without explicit permission from the owner.


3 day ban for griefing plots you were granted access to, but abused (if reported by plot owner) Griefing World Guard protected regions that you have no access to is a permanent ban.

Addendum 1:

Death traps are permitted to be created on player owned plots. Use as much caution in player owned plots as you would in the labyrinth. If you do not want to risk it, do not enter plots owned by players you do not know or trust.

Rule #2: No Cheating, Hacks or Exploits

Don’t use hacks, or exploit broken game mechanics.

Do not use modified game clients with third-party “hacks” or “cheats” that give you an advantage over other players. This includes, but is not limited to X-ray, jump/fly hacks, lighting mods, cave maps, chest finders, etc. Use common sense, if it feels like cheating, it probably is.

Do not exploit broken game mechanics. Report these using /helpop or posting it to the bugs section of the discord channel instead of using them to your advantage. A few examples include item dupe exploits or sand/gravel generators.


3 day ban, counts as 2 temp bans.

Rule #3: Do not try to escape the labyrinth map

“Breaking out of” or “escaping” the labyrinth corridors, villages, etc by using exploits or loopholes is against the rules. If you discover a potential escape, whether by parkour or broken map segment, please report the x, y, and z coordinates (press F3) and a description of how to escape to the bugs section of the discord server.


3 day ban

Rule #4: Do not broadcast spoilers in /global chat.

This is an adventure server. Most of the fun for many people playing here is discovering how things work for themselves. Do not give out coordinates, puzzle solutions or story plots in global chat. If someone is asking for anything that may be considered a spoiler, you may /msg them.


1 day ban

Rule #5: No offensive, threatening, racist, homophobic or generally intolerant, hateful or inappropriate language or structures.

Do not say anything in chat or build anything that could be considered inappropriate or obscene. This includes swastikas, genitalia, or any crude or vulgar shapes or signs. Use common sense.


3 day ban

Rule #6: Do not share or ask for personal information which could identify you or someone else

You may not share or ask for any of the following information in global chat:

  • Phone numbers (including Google Voice, texting apps, etc.)
  • Email addresses
  • Personal addresses (Sharing a state/country or nearby large city is OK)
  • Real names (First name only is allowed)
  • The name of the school you attend

There are real dangers by sharing this information with strangers online, so do not do it.

You may exchange usernames for online services (Xbox live, Steam, voice or chat service, etc.) in private chat (/msg). Do not broadcast or request this information in /global chat. Do not exchange information with someone you do not fully trust. Do not plead with or harass anyone for this information. If they are not interested in giving it to you, let it go. Do not ask random people for this information.


3 day ban or permanent ban depending on how severe the infraction is.

Rule #7: Do not impersonate staff.

Do not pretend to be a member of staff when you are not.


3 day ban.

Rule #8: No spamming or advertising

Do not spam the chat with repeated questions or comments. Do not use all caps, excessive punctuation or lettering (such as “HHHHHHEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPP MMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”.

Advertising of any kind is strictly prohibited. This is includes, but is not limited to Minecraft servers, websites, forums, chat rooms, etc.


1 day ban.

Rule #9: Respect all Players

Do not harass or annoy other players. If someone asks you to leave them alone or leave their plot, respect their wishes. If someone is harassing you, please type /helpop Someone is harassing me, and a staff member will monitor and address the problem.

Do not ask for OP, Ranks, or Items. Ranks are earned, and there is plenty of loot to discover in the labyrinth.


1 day ban

Rule #10: Don’t attempt to bypass the AFK auto-kicker

Do not build or use contraptions to attempt to bypass the AFK auto-kicker such as minecart tracks or water flows.


1 Day ban

Rule #11: Keep “foul language” to a minimum.

This is the internet, you are allowed to swear. However, if every other word coming out of your chat is a swear word, it will be considered excessive.


1 day ban.

Rule #12: The moderators and admins are the judge, jury and executioners.

Do not argue with the staff. If there are rules that are not covered here, the moderators and administrators determine whether or not your actions are a problem at their discretion. If they tell you to stop doing something, you either listen to them or risk being banned.

If you feel as though a member of staff if abusing their position, feel free to report it to an admin on the discord server. If you feel that they have unfairly banned you, post a ban appeal. Be sure to provide evidence. If it turns out your accusations are false, you may be banned anyway.


Discretion of the staff

Rule #13: Three temp bans = permanent ban

Be kind and play nice. We are not as ban happy as some other servers, but we will gladly enforce these penalties when people are blatantly abusing them.

Rule #14: Do not be a T12

Under no circumstances shall anyone EVER be a T12.


Permanent ban

Rule #15: Do not ask or beg players to redeem your name for the referral program

This can become exremely annoying when several people are asking new players to redeem their codes. If you want people to redeem your code, go out and invite players to the server on forums, chat or other outlets, and ask them to redeem your name as the system was indtended to be used. We promote earning, not begging on this server.


Warning then 1 day ban

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