

The Mystics were once lost souls trapped within the labyrinth, much like many of its inhabitants. They were intellectuals who formed a coven with the intention of destroying the labyrinth. They believed destroying the labyrinth would free the minds of every tormented soul trapped within this horrific nightmare.

Over time they learned to harness the magical properties of the labyrinth. With their magic and combined wisdom, they discovered that combining certain patterns with specific material was the key to unlocking various realms within the labyrinth. It turned out, there were many, possibly an infinite number of realms, each with their own unique peculiarities, composition and characteristics. It is believed that dreaming in the labyrinth temporarily transports the dreamer into another realm within the labyrinth. The labyrinth, as it turns out, was not just confined to a single maze, but a vast universe of magical realms.

After centuries of searching, the coven had discovered a hidden realm that possessed what they believed to contain the key characteristics required to construct a structure capable of annihilating the labyrinth in its entirety. In their search, they had discovered a tribe in one of the many realms, and with the promise of freedom, convinced them to help carve out and build the passages, along with a series of structures and a system of waterways needed to control the flow of water, an element necessary in abundance required to cool the Core.

Together with the tribe, the mystics built in secrecy for centuries within the limited maze of constraints permitted by the realm.

As time passed, no ultimate solution was concluded, and the coven was shattered as they vehemently disagreed on how to achieve their ends, eventually resorting to war for control over the Core in order to achieve their own intentions. Now divided, the mystics formed four separate covens, each controlling one quarter of the realm and the powers that come with it. As the war dragged on for centuries, the structures and corridors of the realm eroded and decayed to the point of ruin.

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