
These are some tips to help you survive and thrive within the walls of the labyrinth.

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You are going to die. A lot.

This is a checkpoint based challenge. You will need to fight hard to get to the next checkpoint, and you will almost certainly die several times trying to get to some of them, especially if you venture out at night with weak gear. There are traps, lava pits to parkour over, excessive numbers of mobs spawning around you at night, powerful mini-bosses, etc. This labyrinth was designed to kill you, and it is exceedingly good at it. But don’t worry too much! There are ways to survive and thrive within these walls, and the rewards are plentiful. Reading these tips will save you a lot of frustration.

Villages are (relatively) safe havens

The villages/checkpoints spawn far fewer mobs, and are protected by NPC guards that will instantly kill most mobs. Finding your first village will be the most difficult becuase you will start with next to nothing. Once you find a village, that will change. Until you find a village, your checkpoint is the spawn tree, which is mob free.

Travel light

There are ender chests and crafting benches at spawn, and in every village. Take only what you need, and store the rest for later. When you eventually die, and you will, you will be glad that you have more supplies ready to go.

The /spawn command can save you.

Traveling at night is deadly, even in a group. If it is getting dark, if you find some good loot, it might be worth your time to /spawn back to your last checkpoint to store some of it before you die and lose it all.

The night will kill you

It is absolutely deadly at night within the walls. It is not impossible to travel at night, but you should have some pretty good enchanted gear before you take that risk. There are plenty of enchantments to be found throughout the labyrinth. Spend your nights in villages managing your inventory, crafting, planning or making new friends in chat. You can also travel just outside of the safety of the villages to fight mobs to gain skill and drops, and retreat if you need to. Dungeons and landmarks are also a decent place to hide for the night. As long as you can get away from the labyrinth floors, you should be fairly safe.

Make haste

When you first enter the labyrinth, you will want to move quickly to find the nearest village, landmark or secret room. A village would be safer for someone just starting out, but a landmark or hidden room will have food and items to help you better survive the night, providing you don’t die trying to get them.

Feathers are your friends!

Surrounded and outnumbered by a horde of mobs? Boiling in lava? Need to make a fast get away? Collect feathers and add nine of them to a crafting table (9 separate slots) to craft a Chimaera Wing that can be held and right clicked to instantly teleport you to your last checkpoint!

Join a group

Most of the labyrinth can be done solo, but teaming up will certainly help make your journey a lot smoother. Especially since this labyrinth is locked on hard mode. Many challenges will also be easier when you work as a team. You can create or join a group chat with your companions to communicate at long distances.

Keep your friends close

When you complete the labyrinth, you will earn the ability to /tpa. Until then, when your party arrives in a village, make sure everyone sets their spawn point in that village. This way, if one of you dies, the rest of the party can type /spawn to regroup in the village.

Use a minimap

This labyrinth is huge. Really huge. You may think it would be cheating to use a minimap mod, but we have tested them, and you really can’t see that much with them. If you prefer a much greater challenge, do not use a minimap, but we do not frown on those who do. If however your minimap reveals the locations of chests, we do consider that to be cheating, so please avoid it. We do ban for chest finding mods.

Pay Attention to Your Direction

Remember that this is a maze, and a colossal maze at that. You will likely get very lost if do not heed the direction you are facing.

Find hidden rooms

Hidden rooms and dungeons often have running water, fire or lava near the entrance. If you are running through a corridor and hear running water or a blazing fire, it may be worth investigating where it is coming from. Keep your eyes peeled for gaps in the walls or lighting in places they shouldn’t be. Most of the walls in the labyrinth are consistent, and a slight variation in appearance may lead you to a hidden treasure.

Mind your step

There are traps all over the place. They are not around every corner, but they are fairly abundant. Keep an eye out for tripwire hooks in the nooks and crannies of the base of walls and pressure plates on the ground while moving.

Remember solutions

Many of the challenges and puzzles have duplicates. This is mostly because of how long it takes to come up with and create unique challenges. There are many unique challenges and puzzles in each region, but if you solve one puzzle, you may run across another just like it in another part of the same region. If you solved a puzzle, the same solution may work on an identical puzzle somewhere else.

Stockpile food

One of the things you will be doing in the labyrinth a lot is moving. Moving (especially running) causes your hunger bar to decrease at an accelerated rate. You will burn through food fairly quickly, so make sure you have plenty of it.

Look for clues

Some puzzles have subtle clues that reveal combinations and correct choices. Pay attention to details in your surroundings, and you may find a hint that will make solving particular puzzles fairly easy.

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