Virtual Containers and Tools

We use VirtualPack to add a variety of virtual containers and tools. These features can be purchased with in-game gold.
You will need to know these commands to use the virtual containers and tools.

/vp or /v help [x]Show the help (page x)
/vp help commandsShow the available commands
/vp help lShow the linking help
/vp s [name]Show your statistics/Show the statistics of the given player
/vp pShow the prices for everything you can buy
/vp wOpen your workbench
/vp w buyBuy the workbench
/vp eOpen your enchantment table
/vp e buyBuy the enchantment table
/vp e buy b [x]Buy x bookshelves for your enchantment table
/vp aOpen your anvil
/vp a buyBuy the anvil
/vp c [x]Open your chest nr. x
/vp c buy [x]Buy x chests
/vp c drop [x]Drop all the contents of chest nr. x
/vp c trash [x]Delete all the contents of chest nr. x
/vp f [x]Open your furnace nr. x
/vp f buy [x]Buy x furnaces
/vp f l (x) (y)Link your furnace nr. x with chest nr. y
/vp f u [x]Remove the link from your furnace nr. x
/vp b [x]Open your brewing stand nr. x
/vp b buy [x]Buy x brewing stands
/vp b l (x) (y)Link your brewing stand nr. x with chest nr. y
/vp b u [x]Remove the link from your brewing stand nr. x
/vp tOpen the trash

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